
Fuels and their applications:

Marchants stock the following fuels. The descriptions list the generally recommended uses and characteristics of the fuel.

  • Premium house coal

Marchants only stock one grade of house coal i.e. 'Premium'. Although we could sell 'cheaper' types, the fuel we sell offers far better value for money, with long flame characteristics and excellent heat with low ash content

Most suitable for open fires and muti-fuel/log burners: The fuel is NOT smokeless

  • Homefire ovals

Homefire ovals, a compressed anthracite based fuel. Gives excellent heat with low flame and long burning times, again with low ash content.

Most suitable for open fires and multi-fuel/log burners and room-heaters: This fuel IS smokeless

  • Phurnacite

Phurnacite is an oval compressed anthracite based fuel. Gives excellent heat with low flame and long burning times, again with low ash content.

Most suitable for closed appliances, room-heaters, boilers, Aga and Rayburn stoves: This fuel IS smokeless

  • Anthracite stove nuts

Anthracite stove nuts, a mid-sized pure anthracite. Gives excellent heat, with long burning times, again with low ash content

Most suitable for closed appliances, room-heaters, boilers, Aga and Rayburn stoves: This fuel IS smokeless

  • Anthracite grains

Anthracite grains are evenly sized free flowing anthracite fuel. Slow burning, high heat producing.

Specifically manufactured for gravity feed central heating boilers: This fuel IS smokeless

  • Furnace coke

A small coke specifically stocked for use in blacksmiths' forges.

  • Kindling

Bags of split kindling for fire lighting

Solid fuel

Competitive prices for your house coal, call 01732 740 743

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